Jessicca's Bouldering Guide

All material contained on this page and any subpage is copyright © 2001-2004 All rights reserved.

Guide: not yet

No. Problems: 13+

Grades: V0- to V13

Angle: all

Eliminates: Some

Top outs: all

Location: Park on the Cnr of North Rocks Rd and Loyalty Rd, and head under the power line tower and then left behind the town houses. Note: The land the power line is on is not public land, it is the property of the house on your right, so please be courteous.

History: Discovered by Adam Griffiths and developed mainly by Adam Griffiths, Tim O'Neill and Saxon Johns in 2001 and 2002.

Ethics: This area is very close to peoples houses and backyards and so far the residents welcome the "intrusion".  But please no boom-boxes, dogs or swearing - save that for the gym!

Main Wall

The Secondary cave is 20 metres further left of the main cave (when you are facing it).